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MATAPAT project: Launching wildlife assessment in Mt. Calavite Wildlife Sanctuary using camera trap

This December, the University of Santo Tomas (UST) has started the field implementation phase of a camera trap occupancy study in the frame of the MATAPAT project, founded by DOST PCAARRD. DAF is a direct collaborator of UST in this endeavor, providing its experience in working in Mindoro and its expertise in wildlife studies and monitoring. One of the main goals of the MATAPAT project are to verify the presence of the tamaraw in this isolated part of Mindoro located at the top north of the Island and to evaluate the status of the species this Protected Area. More broadly, the Project aims at investigating about the wildlife of the park, especially the Mindoro Warty Pig, Philippine deer and other medium-sized mammals that could be captured by the camera traps.

DAF Conservation Research Officer and Field Technical Assistant joined forces to the first

round with a 10 days tedious journey in the rough terrain of Mt Calavite range, achieving the set up of 20 camera traps.

The study design will encompass a total of 120 camera placements that will be covered along 6 rounds distant of 4 to 5 weeks each.

We are very delighted to be a partner of this project, which enable us to collect useful

information on the biodiversity of this region and to further address targets of the Tamaraw Conservation and Management Action Plan for this Protected Area.

Thanks to Tamaraw Conservation Program and the Protected Area Management Office of MCWS for their participation in the project.


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