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Consultation with residing Mangyan communities and local stakeholders December 2017

DAF with the presence of E. Schütz participated to the large consultation meeting held at station 1 in Mts Iglit-Baco National Park last December 8. The meeting was at the initiative of the Tau-Buid tribal leader, inviting all residing communities, DENR agencies, NCIP and NGOs to discuss the ongoing developments within the PA. He emphasized about the tradition and culture of the tribe, the new challenges facing communities and need for people to be cautious of the quick changes in lifestyle but also for the DENR to adjust its approach and measures.

DAF presented its vision and main goals of its program, highlighting its support toward the development of a consistent Protected Area General Management Plan.

It was also the opportunity to discuss about the traditional hunting practices and use of traps around the 2016 hunting agreement. Indeed, several tamaraws were recently found dead due to snare traps using nylon, highlighting changes in traditional practices and use of non natural materials.


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