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Assessing the status of the residual Tamaraw population in the Aruyan-Malati area, O. Mindoro

Most of the conservation of the tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) relies on knowledge and data mainly collected at Mount Iglit Baco Natural Park (MIBNP), but other populations still persist across Mindoro. What we know about these small tamaraw populations is virtually nothing, yet they are crucial in developing consistent long term conservation measures.

Through our collaboration with @DENR-Tamaraw Conservation Program, we will conduct a four months survey of the residual tamaraw population in the Aruyan Malati area using camera trap technology. Fifteen devices will be deployed following a random design for occupancy survey and accumulating a total of 60 locations through four consecutive rotations. Our main aim and top priority is to describe the spatial distribution of tamaraw at the landscape level within the survey area, along with its habitat use. This is the most exhaustive survey of the species in this area after the rapid survey using both camera traps and by foot occupancy survey method that was conducted by DENR in 2007. At that time, the operation resulted in an estimation of 16 tamaraws.

In addition, we will use the opportunity of this operation to improve our knowledge about the Philippine deer (Rusa marianna) and the Oliver’s warty pig (Sus oliveri), both on the IUCN Red List, and their status in this natural area.

This operation shall be a great milestone in the implementation of the Tamaraw Conservation and Management Action Plan (TCMAP), especially in terms of conservation strategy to apply for this site.


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