Nicole Alexia Veridiano-de Castro
Project Coordinator
Nicole earned a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science and Management from Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry in Vietnam in 2018. She received the DOST-SEI ASTHRDP scholarship and graduated with a Master's Degree in Biology from the University of Santo Tomas in 2022. She formerly worked as a Project Coordinator for the World Wide Fund for Nature--Philippines on the Extended Producer Responsibility Project from the No Plastics In Nature Initiative and as a Science Research Technician II at the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau's Coastal Zone and Freshwater Ecosystems Research Division for the Microplastic Project. As a member of the D’ABOVILLE Foundation, she collaborates with the team to achieve the project's goals of preserving the tamaraw population by representing DAF and his international partners to official government and non-government audiences, as well as producing evidence-based documentation and recommendations to guide the meta-population's long-term recovery.